Monday, June 11, 2007

Sunburnt, new job, and other news

So, spent a week in Florida with the guard. And I am sunburned. I was so careful, but I think they are a little closer to the sun, cuz I got fried. It was supposed to be an interesting week, controlling AC-130 gunships and getting a ride along. But some of the pilots did too much screwing around and all the flights got shut down for the week. So, we had to spend our time on the beach instead. Poor us.

So, I'm not a Bush basher of any sort. But, I'm not a fan of this amnesty plan. I feel that we need to come to a consensus as a nation on how we feel about legal and illegal immigration before we start on any immigration bill. Are unskilled laborers what we need right now? We are treating these illegal immigrants like slave labor, and that is a scar on our nation that needs to be addressed.

Finally, I got a new job! I gave my 2 weeks notice this morning. I'll be a Business Manager for Perry & Associates, located in the loop. Here's a link to their website. I start July the 9th.

1 comment:

Lynn Rogene said...

On the subject of illegal immigrants there is a mine field of options. One of the largest issues how to keep them out and if they are found to be residing here do we send them back?

I don't think our health care system should cover their non-emergency bills, nor should aide to single mothers support illegal immigrants. Nor should they recieve unemployment wages. Many claim that they paid in so they should recieve. An interesting dilemma, maybe there is a way to look at the length of their stay and payment of withholding and prorate benefits. Of course legal born residents can gather such benifits without ever having worked or paid any withholding. How fair is that?

Someone sent me this link about a hospital in Dallas, what do you think?