Wednesday, January 30, 2008


McCain is looker stronger than I expected him to, after wins in New Hampshire and Florida. I told a friend the other day that if he was the Republican nominee I would abstain from voting for the President in the next election.

I said this because I believe McCain to be a RINO, Republican in Name Only. His domestic platform is completely liberal. When the Democrats in Congress wanted support from the Republicans they went to him for co-sponsorship. Look at McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy, both disastrous legislation. Thankfully the border bill didn't pass.

I'm going to disagree with myself though. While I don't agree with his domestic platform, I do agree with him on his stance on the war and terrorism. So, if it was between him and any of the Democrats, I would vote for him, but with extreme hesitancy, knowing that he would be only slightly better than a Clinton or Obama White House. The Democratic candidates I disagree with completely.

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