Saturday, April 14, 2007

Busy weekend

Off to Peoria for my Guard duty this weekend. Was up at 4am to get out of the house by 5am. Its a 3 hour drive from door to door even when there isn't much traffic. People often ask me what I do on a drill weekend. Well here's a typical day: 8am roll call (this is where the leadership makes sure every one's there, makes announcements, and shares the schedule for the day), 8:30 - 12:00 classes (these could be indoors with PowerPoint or on the web, or they could be outdoors with some of our equipment), 12:00 - 1:00 lunch, 1:00 - 3:00 more classes or taking care of errands (like I needed to get blood drawn today and see the Dentist), 3:00 -4:00 PT (physical training), 4:30 roll call which ends our day. Then tomorrow we do it all again. It does make for a long couple of weeks though, since I work for 12 days straight. Plus I have homework still to do over the weekend, yes I am looking forward to being done this May thanks for asking. So, I REALLY look forward to the weekend after a guard weekend, and definitely don't plan all that much for it.

So, to further make the point that it is truly a global war on terror, today we had a suicide bomb attack aimed at our consulate in Morocco.,4670,MoroccoExplosion,00.html
We can't ignore that these islamofascists are making war on us. We may not want war, but they have brought it to our shores, are bringing it to us abroad, and seeking ways to bring it to our shores again. We can surrender to them, and that will end the war. Or we can tighten our belts and make sure that we win this conflict.

Oh, on a final note; the quote by Dennis Prager "clarity trumps agreement" will be my guide for this blog. If you post a comment or disagree with me, I will seek clarity on the issue over trying to get you to agree with me. I reserve the right to make my case, but don't think I'm aiming to win you to my viewpoint, I'll settle for you understanding my viewpoint. I assume you're an intelligent child of God, and that you have your own opinions. I look forward to hearing your opinions, even when they differ with mine, but please aim for clarity not agreement. Thanks.

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